World Rainforest Day विश्व वर्षावन दिवस

❇️ 22nd JUNE 🌍 World Rainforest Day विश्व वर्षावन दिवस 🌳 Every year, June 22 is observed as World Rainforest Day. This day has been set aside to help protect rainforests and raise awareness and encourage action among the masses to protect them. 🌳 The first-ever World Rainforest Day was observed on June 22, 2017. 🌳 It was established by a collaboration of groups, called the Rainforest Partnership. 🌲 The Tropical rainforest of Amazon is known as the 'lungs of the planet earth' because they are responsible for the production of about 20% of the earth's oxygen. 🔷 International Year of Forests : 2011