1. Selection procedure: Only WrittenTest/Computer Based Test shall be conducted.
2. Type of Written Test: The Written Test shall be of Objective type (each questionshall have four options) of two hours durationconsisting of two parts –
(a) Part-I consists of Technical KnowledgeTest/Professional Knowledge Test (TKT/PKT) with 120 questions having specific questions from respective discipline.
(b) Part-II consists of Aptitude Test (AT) with 50 questions on vocabulary, verbal comprehension, quantitative aptitude, reasoning ability,data sufficiency & interpretation, numerical ability etc.
All questions would be MCQ type with 4 options and carry equal weightage (1 mark each). Wrong & multiple answers would result in negative marks of ¼. Candidates shall have the option for appearing in the WrittenTest in Hindi or English.
3. Qualifying criteriain Written Test:
Qualifying criteria in Written Test
including EWS
Minimumof 40% markssubject to at least 30%marks in each
Part-I & Part-II separately
Minimumof 30% markssubject to at least 25%marks in each
Part-I& Part-II separately