MINIMUM ELIGIBILITY 1. Animal Attendant Age: Shall not exceed 35 years. Relaxation for the candidatebelonging to SC/ST/OBC/Physically challenged/Ex-serviceman Categoryshall be given as per Government of India Norms. Essential Qualification Higher Secondary (12th Standard) Or Equivalent Examination with science subjectand at least 02 years ofexperience of work in laboratory. Desirable: Handling of animals in Laboratory / Medical Institute/ Animal Husbandry University/Others Research Organizations. Period of probation: One year and further extendable for one more year. 2. Assistant Draftsman Age: Shall not exceed 35 years. Relaxation for the candidatebelonging to SC/ST/OBC/Physically challenged/Ex-serviceman Categoryshall be given as per Government of India Norms. Essential Qualification Diploma in Drafting / Architecture with 55% from recognized Institution. Period of probation: One year and further extendable for one more year. 3. Boatman/Groundsman/Waterman Age: Shall not exceed 30 years. Relaxation for the candidatebelonging to SC/ST/OBC/Physically challenged/Ex-serviceman Categoryshall be given as per Government of India Norms. Essential Qualification The minimumqualification for appointment to this level will be either 10th pass or equivalent in the relevant subject may be prescribed as the minimum qualification. Desirable: Working experience in ground maintenance Period of probation: One year and further extendable for one more year. 4. Data Entry Operator Age: Shall not exceed 30 years. Relaxation for the candidate belonging to SC/ST/OBC/Physically challenged/Ex-serviceman Categoryshall be given as per Government of India Norms. Essential Qualification BCA or Graduation with PGDCA or B.Sc in Computer CS./Engg/IT or BBA in IT from a recognized University and working knowledge of office assistant tools like MS Office or open Office etc., Also ‘O’ level of DOEACC after Graduation from a recognized University. 1. Having typing speed of 40 words per minute in English in Computer environment. 2. Knowledge of English and Hindi Softwareessential. 3. Knowledge of Englishand Hindi reading,writing and speakingis essential. Period of probation: One year and further extendable for one more year. 5. Draftsman Age: Shall not exceed 35 years. Relaxation for the candidate belonging to SC/ST/OBC/Physically challenged/Ex-serviceman Categoryshall be given as per Government of India Norms. Essential Qualification Diploma in Architecture or ITI Diplomain Draftsman (Civil)with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade from a recognized University/Institution. 3 years of relevant working experience in an established organization.
Desirable: Knowledge of workingin computerized environment with knowledge of AUTOCAD. Period of probation: One year and further extendable for one more year. 6. Driver
Age: Shall not exceed 35 years. Relaxation for the candidate belonging serviceman Categoryshall be given as per Government of India Norms. Essential Qualification (1) Matriculate or equivalent from a recognized board. to SC/ST/OBC/Ex-
(2) Valid Driving License for Light / Medium / Heavy Vehicleshaving no adverseendorsement (3) Should have at least 3 years’ experience. Period of probation: One year and further extendable for one more year.
7. Hindi Typist

8. Junior Office Assistant Age: Shall not exceed 30 years. Relaxation for the candidatebelonging to SC/ST/OBC/Physically challenged/Ex-serviceman Categoryshall be given as per Government of India Norms. Essential Qualification 1. Graduate with 50% marks from a recognized University. 2. Having a typingspeed of 30 w.p.m. in Englishor 25 w.p.m. in Hindi Typewriting through computers. Desirable: 1. Degree/Diploma in ComputerApplication/Science and knowledge of operation of latest packagesrelating to Pay roll, Accounts, MIS etc.. 2. Diploma in OfficeManagement and Secretarial Practice. Period of probation: One year and further extendable for one more year. 9. Laboratory Assistant Age: Shall not exceed 30 years. Relaxation for the candidatebelonging to SC/ST/OBC/Physically challenged/Ex-serviceman Categoryshall be given as per Government of India Norms. Essential Qualification 1. Bachelor’s degree in relevantsubject (Physics, ChemistryZoology Botany, PsychologyComputer Science/Computer Application, Defence studies, Statistics, Home Science). 2. Having a typing speedof 30 w.p.m. in Englishthrough computers. Desirable: Knowledge of Computer Applications. Period of probation: One year and further extendable for one more year.
10. Laboratory Attendant Age: Shall not exceed 30 years. Relaxation for the candidatebelonging to SC/ST/OBC/Physically challenged/Ex-serviceman Categoryshall be given as per Government of India Norms. Essential Qualification Higher Secondary (12th Standard) Or Equivalent Examination with science subjectand at least 02 years ofexperience of work in laboratory. Period of probation: One year and further extendable for one more year. 11. Library Attendant Age: Shall not exceed 30 years. Relaxation for the candidatebelonging to SC/ST/OBC/Physically challenged/Ex-serviceman Categoryshall be given as per Government of India Norms. Essential Qualification (i) Higher Secondary (12th Standard)Or Equivalent Examination from a recognised Board. (ii) Diploma/Certificate course in library science form a recognised institution. Period of probation: One year and further extendable for one more year. 12. Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) Age: Shall not exceed 30 years. Relaxation for the candidatebelonging to SC/ST/OBC/Physically challenged/Ex-serviceman Categoryshall be given as per Government of India Norms. Essential Qualification Matriculation or equivalent from a recognized Board pass or ITI Pass Period of probation: One year and further extendable for one more year. 13. Pharmacist Age: Shall not exceed 35 years. Relaxation for the candidatebelonging to SC/ST/OBC/Physically challenged/Ex-serviceman Categoryshall be given as per Government of India Norms. Essential Qualification 1. Bachelor’sDegree in Pharmacyfrom a recognized institution. OR P 10+2 plus 02 years Diploma in harmacy. 2. Should be registered with State Pharmacy Council. Period of probation: One year and further extendable for one more year. 14. Semi-Professional Assistant Age: Shall not exceed 35 years. Relaxation for the candidatebelonging to SC/ST/OBC/Physically challenged/Ex-serviceman Categoryshall be given as per Government of India Norms. Essential Qualification B.Lib.Sc./B.L.I.Sc. with 50% marks or equivalent. Desirable: Knowledge of computer application in libraries and regional and foreign languages Period of probation: One year and further extendable for one more year. 15. Sick Attendant Age: Shall not exceed 30 years. Relaxation for the candidate belonging to SC/ST/OBC/Physically challenged/Ex-serviceman Categoryshall be given as per Government of India Norms. Essential Qualification Matriculation or equivalent pass and preference will be given to the candidate having 2 years’ experience as a Dresser/ward boy/ward girl in a registered / recognized hospital/institution/health centre. Period of probation: One year and further extendable for one more year.
16. Stenographer Age: Shall not exceed 30 years. Relaxation for the candidatebelonging to SC/ST/OBC/Physically challenged/Ex-serviceman Categoryshall be given as per Government of India Norms. Essential Qualification (1) Graduate in any discipline. (2) A pass in Govt. examination conductedby State Board of TechnicalEducation in EnglishTypewriting (40 WPM). (3) A pass in Govt. examination conductedby State Board of TechnicalEducation in EnglishStenography (40 WPM). (4) Experience as Stenographer with knowledge of computer of at least two years.Knowledge of English and Hindi reading, writing, and speaking is preferable. Period of probation: One year and further extendable for one moreyear. 17. Technical Assistant Age: Shall not exceed 35 years. Relaxation for the candidatebelonging to SC/ST/OBC/Physically challenged/Ex-serviceman Categoryshall be given as per Government of India Norms. Essential Qualification (i) Bachelor’s degree in Electrical/Electronic Engineering/ MSc (Networking) B.Sc. with First Class (60% of marks) in concerned subject(IT/Computer Application /Computer Science/ Chemistry / Physics/ Zoology / Botany/Life Science)or its equivalent in UGC-7-point scale. (ii) 3years’ experience in Govt. Educational / Research Institutions. Desirable: Capable to handlesophisticated equipment having working experience in IITs/Central Universities Period of probation: One year and further extendable for one more year. 18. Wire-Man Age: Shall not exceed 30 years. Relaxation for the candidatebelonging to SC/ST/OBC/Physically challenged/Ex-serviceman Categoryshall be given as per Government of India Norms. Essential Qualification Certificate course in Electrical Trade from recognized ITI or Wireman course or Electrical Inspectorcourse from recognized ITI. Period of probation: One year and further extendable for one more year. 19. X-Ray Technician Age: Shall not exceed 35 years. Relaxation for the candidatebelonging to SC/ST/OBC/Physically challenged/Ex-serviceman Categoryshall be given as per Government of India Norms. Essential Qualification Diploma in X-Ray technology from a recognized institute with 50% of marks. Period of probation: One year and further extendable for one more year. EXAMINATION CRITERIA The Test comprise of 100 Multiple Choice type Question (MCQ) for Group B and Group C posts; as per the following details: S.No.SubjectNo. of Multiple- ChoiceQuestionsMaximumMarksDuration1General Knowledge pertaining to job, Analytical AbilityUnderstanding of University System, Allahabad University Act 2005, Statutes and Ordinances, Office Procedures, Filing, Noting, Drafting, Basic GoI Regulations etc.,Computer Literacy4080 2.0 Hour
Language proficiency in English,
Language proficiency in Hindi
Relevant Subject and/or Services
Language of the paper will be in English or Hindi or both. Each correct answer will carry two marks and for each wrong answer,0.50 marks will be deducted.