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#कल के प्रश्नन का उत्तर

#Who wrote the book " Sutrani Vednachi Sutra : An Experience "

A) Venkaiya Naidu

B) Narendra Modi

C) Rupa Chari

D) Sonu Sood ( C )

#Which state government recently launched the Rayathu Bandhu scheme = Telangana

हाल ही में किस राज्य सरकार ने Rayathu Bandhu योजना शुरू की = #तेलंगाना

#Which country recently announced the installation of nuclear reactor on the moon = America

हाल ही में किस देश ने चन्द्रमा पर परमाणु रिएक्टर स्थापित करने की घोषणा की = अमेरिका

#Who has been honored with the 2020 Tansen Award = Satish Vyas

हाल ही में 2020 के तानसेन अवार्ड से किसे सम्मानित किया गया है = सतीश व्यास

#Which country will become the world's largest economy by 2028 = China

साल 2028 तक दुनिया की सबसे बड़ी अर्थव्यवस्था वाला देश = चीन

#Which company become first to launch electric tractor in India = #Sonalika

हाल ही भारत में electric tractor लॉन्च करने वाली पहली कंपनी कौनसी बनी = Sonalika

#Which state government has approved the " Farm loan waiver " scheme = #Jharkhand

हाल ही में किस राज्य ने " कृषि ऋण माफ़ी " योजना को मंजूरी दी है = झारखंड

#How many teams will compete in the IPL from 2022 = 10

2022 से IPL में कितनी टीमें प्रतिस्पर्धा करेगी = 10

#Who has won the title of Miss Transquin India 2020 = Shine Sony

#Recently which country launched a remote sensing satellite named" Yogan 33 " = China

हाल ही में किस देश ने " Yogan 33 " नामक रिमोट सेसिंग उपग्रह लॉन्च किया गया है = चीन

#Which state government recently launched the Peda Landariki IIU scheme

हाल ही में किस राज्य सरकार ने #Peda Landariki IIU scheme शुरू की

A) Andhrapradesh

B) Haryana

C) Punjab

D) Rajasthan

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#04January : World Braille Day

#Reserve Bank Of India Has Launched A Digital Payments Index (DPI)

#The Base Period For RBI-Digital Payments Index (#DPI) Is March 2018

#India Has Been Chosen As The Co-Chair Of The Asia Protected Areas Partnership (#APAP)

#APAP Is Chaired By IUCN (International Union For Conservation Of Nature) Asia

#India Will Replace South Korea , Which Held The Post For 3 Years Until Nov , 2020

#Asia Protected Areas Partnership (APAP) Was Formally Launched In 2014

#The Indian Aviation Industry Get Its Newest Airline Flybig , In The 1st Week Of 2021

#The Airline Founded By Sanjay Mandavia - A Pilot-Turned-Aviation Entrepreneur

#Odisha Govt Has Decided To Give Cash Award Of 2.5 Lakh To A Normal Person For Marrying A PwD

#PwD : Person With Disability

#Justice Dr S Muralidhar To Be Sworn In As Chief Justice Of The Odisha High Court

#Former Prime Minister Of Mali Modibo Keita Passed Away Recently

#India Delivered 6 Tonnes Of Of Relief Materials For The Cyclone-Affected Fiji

#Fiji Was Hit By A Category 5 Tropical Cyclone " Yasa " On December 17-18 , 2020

#National Metrology Conclave 2021 Is Being Organised By CSIR-NPL

#CSIR-NPL : Counsil Of Scientific & Industrial Research - National Physical Laboratory

#Theme 2021 : " Metrology For The Inclusive Growth Of The Nation "

#Kurukshetra In Haryana Becomes 27th " Har Ghar Jal " District Of Country

#Lewis Hamilton Awarded The Highest Civilian Honor Knighthood By The Queen Elizabeth

#Lewis Hamilton Becomes The 4th Formula 1 Driver To Be Knighted

#Reshma Mariam Roy (21) Of Kerala Has Become The Youngest Panchayat President

#UK Announced A Ban On The Promotion Of Food Harmful To Health From April 2022

#Cristiano Ronaldo (758) Surpasses Pele (757) As The All-Time Top Goal Scorer .


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