NPCIL Paramedical Posts, Stipendiary Trainees (Cat I & II), Technical & Non-Technical 2021
NAME OF POST- Paramedical Posts, Stipendiary Trainees (Cat I & II), Non-Technical 2021
#NAPS - Narora Atomic Power Station
NPCIL, a premier Public Sector Enterprise under Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India having comprehensive capabilities in all facets of Nuclear Technology namely, Site Selection, Design, Construction, Commissioning, Operation, Maintenance, Renovation, Modernization & Upgradation, Plant life Extension, Waste Management and Decommissioning of Nuclear Reactors in India under one roof, invites applications for its unit “Narora Atomic Power Station” for the following posts to share these challenging spectrum of responsibilities:
ADVT NO.- NAPS/HRM/01/2021
₹0/- for General/EWS /OBC & for all others
₹0/- for SC/ST/PWBD candidates.
Age Limit as on 27.12.2021
Maximum: 24,25,28,30 years (As per postwise, see notifications)
(पोस्टवाइज के अनुसार नोटिफिकेशन देखें)
Education qualifications
1- XII Standard & Diploma in Nursing & Mid-wifery (3 years course) OR
2- B.Sc.(Nursing); OR
3- Nursing Certificate with 3 years’ experience in Hospital OR Nursing Assistant Class III & above from the Armed forces
1- Valid registration as Nurse from Central/State Nursing Council in India
2- Candidates possessing Degree in Nursing qualification may be considered for awarding of two additional increments
FOR Stipendiary Trainee/ Scientific Assistant (ST/SA) (Cat-I)
Diploma with not less than 60% marks in Mechanical/Electrical/Electronics Engineering recognized by the Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development. The diploma in Engineering should be 03 years duration after SSC/HSC
Should have English as one of the subjects at least at SSC or HSC level examination.
Note: Candidates with HSC + 02 years Diploma course in above engineering disciplines (Approved by AICTE) with 60% or above marks are also eligible. However, candidates who have pursued Diploma through lateral entry to second year Diploma after 10th (SSC) + ITI are not eligible
FOR Pharmacist/B
H.S.C. (10+2) + 2 years Diploma in Pharmacy + 3 months Training in Pharmacy + Registration as a Pharmacist with Central or State Pharmacy Council.
The date of registration as Pharmacist with Central or State Pharmacy Council should be on or before the closing date of online submission of application.
FOR Operation Theatre Assistant (Technician/B)
H.S.C. (10+2) in Science with minimum 60% marks + One year Certificate Course of Operation Theatre Assistant.
FOR Stipendiary Trainee (ST/TM) Operator (Cat-II
HSC (10+2) or ISC (with Science subjects) with not less than 50% marks in Science and Mathematics individually.
Shall have English as one of the subjects at least at SSC level examination
FOR Stipendiary Trainee (ST/TM) Maintainer (Cat-II)
SSC (10 years) with minimum 50% in Science subject and Mathematics individually and 2 years ITI certificate in relevant trade (Electrician/Fitter)
For trades for which the duration of the ITI course is less than 2 years, the candidates shall have at least one year relevant working experience after completion of the course.
Shall have English as one of the subjects at least at SSC level examination.
FOR Assistant Grade-1(HR) / Assistant Grade-1 (F&A)/Assistant Grade1(C&MM)
Any Bachelor’s Degree with minimum 50% marks in aggregate from a recognised University / Institution
Essential requirements for Skill Test (for posts at Sl.No. 7 to 9)
Typewriting Test- 30 words per Minute typing speed on PC in English.
Should have passed a Certificate Course of duration of not less than 6 months on MS- Windows Operating System and Desktop Applications such as MS Office (Word, Excel, Access and Power Point), e-mail Management and Internet Surfing.
However, this will not apply to the candidates who have studied computer science/computer applications as one of the subjects in their school or college curriculum.
FOR Steno Grade-1
Any Bachelor’s Degree with minimum 50% marks in aggregate from a recognised University / Institution.
| Speed of 80 w.p.m. in English Stenography
Speed of 40 w.p.m. in English typing on PC.
Preference will be given to those candidates who possess knowledge of Hindi typing/Hindi Stenography
Computer Proficiency Test (Word, Excel, Access and Power Point)
Should have passed a Certificate Course of duration of not less than 6 months on MS- Windows Operating System and Desktop Applications such as MS Office (Word, Excel, Access and Power Point), e-mail Management and Internet Surfing. However, this will not apply to the candidates who have studied computer science/computer applications as one of the subjects in their school or college curriculum.
Selection procedure
Written Examination + Skill Test The written examination will be OMR based or Computer Based Test(CBT)
FOR Stipendiary Trainee (ST/TM) Maintainer (Cat-II)
Written Examination The written examination will be OMR based or Computer Based Test(CBT)
FOR Stipendiary Trainee/ Scientific Assistant (ST/SA) (Cat-I)
Written Examination + Personal Interview The written examination will be OMR based or Computer Based Test(CBT)
Total Post : 76

Important Date
ONLINE START DATE- 03.12.2021 (10:00 HRS )
ONLINE LAST DATE- 27.12.2021 (16:00 HRS )
NPCIL, a premier Public Sector Enterprise under Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India having comprehensive capability in all facets of Nuclear Technology viz. Site Selection, Design, Construction, Commissioning, Operation, Maintenance, Renovation, Modernization, & Upgradation, Plant life extension, Waste Management and Decommissioning of Nuclear Reactors in India under one roof, invites applications from the candidates passed out from ITI Courses are invited for engagement of Trade Apprentices under the Apprentices Act, 1961 and Apprenticeship Rules, 1992 as amended from time to time in the Tarapur Maharashtra Site, in Palghar District, Maharashtra to make it more responsive to the needs of youth and industry.
